Social Enterprise in Tasmania

There are literally hundreds of social enterprises operating within Tasmania working in a range of industries. For the past 3 years there have been a group of organisations within Tasmania working together to raise the profile of social enterprise, identify the needs and seek opportunities to support the existing social enterprise.
The aim of this site is to provide access to resources that may be of interest while promoting activities and workshops that may assist those wishing to go down the road of social enterprise or those wanting to expand what they are already doing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tas Food Security Council symposium

A free full day at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens on Monday 21st November.
This event is an opportunity to have input into the Tasmanian Food Security Strategy and to learn more about current food security initiatives within Tasmania. 
There are four concurrent workshops, one of which is on Regional Development and Social Enterprise
Email by Friday 28th October to register

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