Social Enterprise in Tasmania

There are literally hundreds of social enterprises operating within Tasmania working in a range of industries. For the past 3 years there have been a group of organisations within Tasmania working together to raise the profile of social enterprise, identify the needs and seek opportunities to support the existing social enterprise.
The aim of this site is to provide access to resources that may be of interest while promoting activities and workshops that may assist those wishing to go down the road of social enterprise or those wanting to expand what they are already doing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What Next?

Thanks to everyone who completed the online survey. We had an excellent response and now it's the research team crunching figures and dissecting details to pull together a report.
In conjunction with this we are profiling a number of those surveyed to dig a little deeper. It's a bit of a bridging project that will involve the Tasmanian Leaders Program.
The interest that this research has ignited has demonstrated the passion within the social enterprise sector. The aim is to build on this momentum and work with project partners to deepen our understanding, identify the needs and look for ways to support the sector.