Social Enterprise in Tasmania

There are literally hundreds of social enterprises operating within Tasmania working in a range of industries. For the past 3 years there have been a group of organisations within Tasmania working together to raise the profile of social enterprise, identify the needs and seek opportunities to support the existing social enterprise.
The aim of this site is to provide access to resources that may be of interest while promoting activities and workshops that may assist those wishing to go down the road of social enterprise or those wanting to expand what they are already doing.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Profiling Social Enterprise

We are continuing to interview social enterprises in Tasmania in partnership with members of the Tasmanian Leaders Program, but in the meantime I have a couple of days in Melbourne to explore some of what is happening around creative social enterprises. There has been much publicity about The Social Studios and Grace McQuilten has a track record for some really exciting social enterprise operations. So I am hoping to catch up with Grace.

Today I caught up with Joe Pascoe, Director of Craft Victoria, a non profit arts member based arts organisation. I had checked out what they were doing through their website, but there is nothing like seeing the real thing. They have a beautiful shop that sells art and craft products produced by members of the organisation. There is an adjoining gallery and behind the secret door, more gems with an extensive library and offices for the staff. The focus of this organisation is on curatorial, community and commerce and between the accessible website and classy shopfront at 31 Flinders Lane, they are combining these beautifully. There is a membership of more than 8000 and a distribution list of more than 7000, which means these guys have fantastic community support for the work they undertake. Really enjoyed catching up with Joe and will certainly be heading back to the shop to do some shopping.