Social Enterprise in Tasmania

There are literally hundreds of social enterprises operating within Tasmania working in a range of industries. For the past 3 years there have been a group of organisations within Tasmania working together to raise the profile of social enterprise, identify the needs and seek opportunities to support the existing social enterprise.
The aim of this site is to provide access to resources that may be of interest while promoting activities and workshops that may assist those wishing to go down the road of social enterprise or those wanting to expand what they are already doing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A big week coming up

Preparing for a big social enterprise week:
Tuesday at the Institute for Regional Development UTAS in Burnie:  

  • Social Enteprise Workshop 1pm onwards looking at the state of social enterprise in Tasmania. Go to for details
  • Forum with Associate Professor Jo Barraket, a nationally recognised expert on social enterprise
  • Dr Ernesto Sirolli is speaking about leadership and enterprise facilitation at a breakfast hosted by the Tasmanian Leaders Program in Hobart . Any queries please contact Ted Ross at or phone 0409 547 797.
  • Dr Sirolli presents the 1st of a 3 day workshop in Launceston for practitioners working with entrepreneurs. Contact Kylie on 0439 262 344 for more information

Monday, June 6, 2011

Listen to what others think of social enterprise

An interview on ABC a couple of years ago. Still very relevant and interesting...

Invitation to Workshop

Where is the value and what is the impact ?

The Institute for Regional Development is inviting practitioners from around the state to share their insights and their organisation’s experience of running a social enterprise at a workshop and forum Social Enterprise and its Impact on Regional Development

The workshop will inform future research on social enterprise—what are the issues and what research needs to be done? It will be led by nationally-recognised leaders in social enterprise research, Assoc Prof Jo Barraket (Queensland University of Technology), Prof Katherine Gibson (University of Western Sydney), and Dr Robyn Eversole (University of Tasmania), in discussion with a panel of local social enterprise practitioners.